Guiding a church through a transition is not something most pastors are prepared to do—especially newer pastors. They have likely received some training in things like sermon preparation and delivery, counseling, staff management, and conflict resolution, but successfully navigating a church transition is not typically taught in seminaries or bible colleges.
Because of this, some churches find themselves turning to intentional interim pastors when they are in need of help during a transitional period. An intentional interim pastor is a pastor who comes to a church on a temporary basis to fill a gap left by a pastor (typically a lead pastor) and often to help the church find their next permanent pastor. He will typically preach on Sundays, provide leadership to the staff, and fill other roles as needed by the church.
Intentional interim pastors are specifically trained in how to guide a church through a transition—especially when the transition was not planned for. An unplanned transition could come about when a pastor unexpectedly resigns, passes away, is fired, or becomes too ill to continue in his role.
So, if a pastor doesn’t learn how to provide leadership in a church transition in seminary or bible college, where does he get this type of training? Or if someone wanted to become a full-time intentional interim pastor, where would he go for guidance? Individuals in either of these two categories should strongly consider attending the Intentional Interim Pastor Training Event put on by VitalChurch Ministry.
VitalChurch Ministry has been providing churches in transition with intentional interim pastors for more than two decades. They have produced widely used training manuals for interim pastors, and more recently, they have started hosting training events for interim pastors and prospective interim pastors.
This year’s event will be held from February 14-17, 2022. It will be an online training seminar led by some of VitalChurch’s most experienced intentional interim pastors, with decades of experience among them. Attendees will learn how to navigate a church transition, while at the same time bringing about church revitalization. They will receive an Interim Pastor Training Manual, as well as several other helpful resources.
Although the training event is designed specifically for those in interim pastor ministry, pastors, elders, and other church leaders can also learn a great deal from the seminars. Topics will include things like how to diagnose problems within a church, how to facilitate real and lasting change, and how to manage destructive powerbrokers. The seminar will also touch on topics applicable to all church leaders, such as strategic planning and church governance.
Space is limited at the interim pastor training event in order to allow for plenty of interaction between seminar attendees and presenters, as well as to give attendees the opportunity to network among themselves.
Early bird pricing is $599 until January 10, 2022. After that, the price will go up to $699. Visit the VitalChurch website, where you can learn more about the 2022 Intentional Interim Pastor Training Event and sign up to participate.