Making the switch to environmentally friendly paints is a cheaper alternative to other high-end paints. When it comes to choosing between these two types of paints, we believe that the quality is so closely related that the choice to choose the environmentally friendly paint is an easy one. Here are a few different reasons why these environmentally friendly paints are the clear option for almost all jobs.
The More Reliable Option
Bio-based paints not only are cheaper, but they also simply last longer. These friendly paints are soybean based which surprisingly easily outlasts the more chemical based paints that are available. To add on to these features the soybean-based paint also repels dust and other build up caused by nature. With regular paints you need additional equipment to achieve these same benefits, but not the ecofriendly paints.
Progressing Towards a Brighter Future
Low VOC (volatile organic compounds) paints do minimal harm if any to our environment. In an age where we are seeing so many negative effects due to the lack of care for our earth, we need to come together to take care of it in any way we can. Painting contractors that use low VOC paints have also earned different awards as seen on “”. Winning different awards like this can develop a sense of trust and intrigue with customers and really set you apart from the competition. An organization who minimizes their carbon footprint really cares about keeping up with the modern times, which can be important to some consumers. Be sure to let your customers know that these low VOC paints are offered and be sure to ask them to refer their friends or spread the word on how they can help make a positive environmental change. Showing that you care about such things can really leave a long-lasting impact on prior customers and really help put out a good name for your business.
Customer and Environmental Care
High VOC paints not only harm the environment (damaging the atmosphere) but they can also cause migraines and restrict oxygen to causing dizziness. Low VOC paints come with none of these risks therefore, eliminating all the worry of vacating a room after it has been painted. These High VOC paints are also regulated by the government due to the simple fact that they can be so dangerous to people.
In Conclusion
There is a lot to gain from making the transition over to these new and improved Low VOC paints. Not only will the environment thank you, but your customers will as well. A good course of action is to really educate yourself on these types of paints. Be the educator to your customers and let them know all the positives that these healthier paints can provide to them. Once you become a subject matter expert on these paints and start to learn things like the fact that low VOC paints don’t smell nearly as strong as High VOC paints do; then others will notice and see the value in this specific service.
We’ve been offering these services at Oahu Interior Painting for years now. More than 90% of our jobs are low VOC painting services. Our customers love that we have these options available, but don’t know it even exists half the time. It’s in all our hands as the supplier and the consumers to keep our homes looking great and take care of our environment at the same time. Let’s do what we can and look good while we are doing it.